
Step Into the Metaverse

Streamlining Web3 Development Making Blockchain Accessible for All

By: Sobia Kishwer

Web3, built on Blockchain Technology, is set to transform how we conduct transactions and engage with each other online. While we have already seen some impressive examples of what's possible with decentralized applications, NFTs, and play-to-earn games, the full potential of Web3 is yet to be unleashed. Unfortunately, the current blockchain development process is expensive, time-consuming, and creates significant barriers to entry for developers. For Web3 to reach its accessible moment, it is crucial for blockchain developers to streamline the development process and make it more accessible for everyone.

Streamlining Web3 Development: Making Blockchain Accessible for All BitsouceiT

The current state of Web3 development is complex and time-consuming, requiring developers to have a deep understanding of blockchain technology and infrastructure. Developing decentralized applications (DApps) and other Web3 products involves sourcing and configuring the necessary infrastructure and ensuring that it remains synchronized with the latest blockchain upgrades. This can be challenging, even for experienced developers, leading to a slow uptake of Web3 technologies.

Streamlining Web3 Development: Making Blockchain Accessible for All BitsouceiT

Moreover, the cost of blockchain development can be prohibitively high. While the development of traditional web applications has become more accessible, thanks to a range of frameworks and tools, Web3 development still requires significant investment in infrastructure, development resources, and specialized skills. As a result, only a few developers can access and utilize the full potential of Web3, limiting its adoption and stunting its growth.

Streamlining Web3 Development: Making Blockchain Accessible for All BitssouceiT

To achieve its Wow moment, Web3 developers need to adopt a new approach that makes blockchain development more accessible to everyone. This change requires a shift towards tools and frameworks that abstract away the complexities of blockchain infrastructure and make it easier for developers to create Web3 applications.

Streamlining Web3 Development: Making Blockchain Accessible for All BitsouceiT

One way to achieve this is through the development of low-code platforms for Web3 development. Such platforms would provide pre-built components, connectors, and templates, allowing developers to focus on creating business logic, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. This would make it easier for developers to create DApps and other Web3 applications, reducing development costs and enabling the wider adoption of Web3 technologies.

Streamlining Web3 Development: Making Blockchain Accessible for All BitsocueiT

Another solution is the development of web3.js and other programming libraries. These libraries abstract the complexities of interacting with the blockchain, making it easier for developers. By creating a simplified interface for Web3 development, these libraries can help reduce the learning curve associated with blockchain development, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

Streamlining Web3 Development: Making Blockchain Accessible for All BitsouceiTv Several companies are already working to make Web3 development more accessible to developers. These companies offer various tools and platforms that make it easier for developers to build DApps and other Web3 applications. One such company is Bitsource Technologies.

Streamlining Web3 Development: Making Blockchain Accessible for All BitsouceiT

For Web3 to achieve its full potential, it needs to go beyond the early adopters and reach a wider audience. Companies working in Blockchain Development need to focus on creating infrastructure that is easier to use, more affordable, and more scalable. By doing so, they can pave the way for the development of DApps that have the potential to disrupt traditional industries and bring Web3 to the masses. With more accessible blockchain development, the possibilities for Web3 are endless, and the future looks bright for this revolutionary technology.

Date: 17th March 2023

Posted in Blockchain on Mar 23, 2023.